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Wildcat Orchestra Booster

The Wildcat Orchestra Booster's purpose is to assist in the development and growth of the Orchestra Magnet.  We do so by rasing funds that support the various activities and supplies needed for the success of the Orchestra, our children and the school.  Parents,  we need all of your support to make this year a success; however, we understand that you may not be available to make all of the booster meetings.  Thoughout the year there will be many opportunites to support the orchestra and your children's success.  Please check this page for information on how you can help.

2020 - 2021 Booster Meetings*

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2020-2021 Booster Fundraiser Activities


Give Miami Day

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2020 - 2021 Booster Cabinet


President:  Maria Vindell  

Vice-President: Wendy Luan 

Treasurer:  Veronica Escalona 

Secretary: France Jordan 



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